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Changing pitch with MeSlidePotentiometer

This is a project that will change the pitch of the onboard buzzer on the Auriga depending on the input of a MeSlidePotentiometer. I also set it up so that it only makes a noise if a button is pressed because otherwise it get very annoying, which also gives you more creativity.

This was just a fun little project that taught me that you have to program the slide potentionmeter as an joystick

This is the code:

1-libraries I included

2-setup of the buzzer, potentiometer and buttons and variables.

3-initial setup loop

4-main loop that continues while the board is powered (after it has setup).

5-a function for a delay that gives me an error if I delete it :/

Note #1: you don't need "stuff Mblock put there".

Note #2: section 5 is just a delay function that is compatible with MakeBlock (I think).


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